COVID-19 Precautions


  • Booking only 1 group per day.

  • Spacing guests out to be one honey bear apart (at least 6′) during check-in and briefing.

  • Providing face coverings for all staff and requiring that guests wear a face covering during check-in, briefing, and any time social distancing cannot be maintained. Face coverings can be brought from home or purchased from our gift shop. Based on local mandates in Ohio face coverings are required at ALL times, including during the experience.

  • Requiring full finger gloves for guests and staff while participating at The Ropes Course. Gloves can be brought from home or purchased.

  • Screening staff at the start of each day. This includes taking their temperature and sending them home if they have any symptoms or have been exposed.

  • Making hand sanitizer available for guests and staff throughout the property, including our buildings & activity areas.

  • Implementing additional cleaning and disinfecting procedures, to make our facility spotless.

  • Discontinuing the use of cash, shifting to only accept credit card payments and checks.

  • Requiring online waivers for guests to complete using their own device.

  • Monitoring the situation, to continue improving our approach. We want to make your visit a safe and great experience.


  • Packing extra hand sanitizer.

  • Staying at home for your health and the safety of others if you have been sick in the last two weeks.

  • Following CDC guidelines if you are at a higher risk.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. We’re here to make sure you feel safe throughout your experience.

Your Team must reserve your challenge course event in advance. Our cancellation policy provides numerous options to reschedule as necessary.

Outdoor spaces like The Ropes Course are well suited to increased social distance and have natural air circulation. A study of more than 1,245 confirmed cases of COVID-19 showed that only two (2) resulted from an infection while in an outdoor environment, that’s just .2%! The study highlights that outdoor spaces are lower risk than indoor leisure, shopping, transportation, and even the home environment.